A Pause for Justice

Photo courtesy of @bingandruth 6/3/20

Photo courtesy of @bingandruth 6/3/20


We’re taking a necessary pause from our usual posts to honor George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor (and countless others), and to acknowledge the nationwide anguish ignited by injustice, racism, and violence.

Now more than ever it is time to listen.

To work to understand and validate others’ experiences, particularly those who have been oppressed and marginalized. 

To be open to others’ stories, their truths.

Even if they are difficult to hear. 

Even if they are at odds with preexisting beliefs.

Now is the time to educate and re-evaluate.

To seek allyship by asking those in need what they need. 

To engage despite discomfort.

There are many avenues for action, but one of the most important is to try to find ways to connect and to dialogue with people who are different from you.

We at CoreStory believe that every individual’s story matters and deserves to be heard.

Right now, we hold space for everyone encountering fear, anger, helplessness, and voicelessness.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others.